Amazon Games' Foray into Publishing

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March 5, 2024 United States 21


Amazon Games' Foray into Publishing

Amazon Games' decision to Throne and Liberty Lucent publish Throne and Liberty is a notable move, considering the company's mixed track record with its internally developed games. While some of Amazon's own creations faced challenges, the foray into publishing third-party games has proven to be a more successful endeavor.


Lost Ark, the first game published by Amazon, has garnered significant success, averaging 157,000 players over the last 30 days on Steam. The positive reception of Lost Ark, coupled with the announcement of upcoming titles such as Blue Protocol and the next Tomb Raider game, underscores the growing momentum of Amazon Games' publishing business.


With Throne and Liberty joining the roster of titles under Amazon's publishing umbrella, the company appears to be swiftly expanding its influence in the gaming industry. The diverse portfolio of games, encompassing different genres and playstyles, positions Amazon Games as a key player in the evolving landscape of video game publishing.


The Checkered Development History

Throne and Liberty's journey to buy TL Lucent this point has been marked by twists and turns in its development history. The game, initially introduced as Lineage Eternal, entered closed beta testing in South Korea back in 2016. However, the path to release was far from straightforward, as the project underwent a significant overhaul in 2017, transforming into Project TL and eventually emerging as Throne and Liberty.


Despite the prolonged development timeline, the announcement of Amazon Games' involvement in publishing Throne and Liberty signifies a new chapter for the MMORPG. The challenges faced during its development, including the rebooting of the project, have only intensified the anticipation surrounding the game's eventual release.


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