Contempt proceedings against Garland over Biden audio files

May 17, 2024 United States, Texas, Asherton 11


The letter sent to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals , and seen by CNN, said that: “Her Majesty will not procure any new fur garments.” It is unclear, however, what the Queen’s position is with regard to fur items in her existing wardrobe.

The move follows a similar stand taken by her late mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II, whoback in 2019.

The palace’s correspondence was in response to a letter sent by PETA to the Queen in April. In it, Elisa Allen, vice president of the organization’s UK programs and operations, detailed the cruel practices which, it says, are employed in the fur industry, as well its impact on the environment.

The charity’s founder, Ingrid Newkirk, welcomed the news. In a statement sent to CNN, she said: “PETA is toasting to Queen Camilla with a glass of the finest claret for being a true queen by standing with the 95% of British people who also refuse to wear animal fur, as polls show.”

PETA encourages owners to donate existing items to its “fur amnesty program,” which sends them on to “the homeless, refugees, and people in war-torn areas to help keep them warm in the winter months.” Explaining the rationale, it states on its  “We can’t bring back the animals who suffered for these coats, but we can use old furs to help humans who desperately need them.”


The special counsel report quickly became a political problem for the president, spotlighting an issue that has proven to be intractable for Biden: his age. The White House and Biden’s campaign reacted furiously to Hur’s characterization of the president, launching a fierce defense aimed at beating back the special counsel’s allegations that Biden was forgetful — particularly on the matter of whether the president recalled the year in which his son died.

Republican lawmakers had previously subpoenaed the audio recordings of Biden’s interviews, along with his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, and other items from Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified information.


Through their subpoenas to the DOJ, House Republicans have argued that the audio recordings are crucial to their impeachment inquiry into Biden, which remains stalled as the prospects of the investigation ending in impeachment are increasingly unlikely. Without the votes in their narrow majority or evidence of an impeachable offense, Republicans are now struggling with how to end their probe and are looking for ways to target other members of the Biden administration.


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