Path of Exile has a dark aesthetic

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February 1, 2024 United States 23


Hail, traveler! You seem the adventuring sort. Pause your passage through our website village, and look: a dungeon lies before you. You're not just going to sit there and let it lie uncrawled , hmm? Not when we have a new, magic-throwing girl for you to POE currency trade  use to purge its dark citizens, surely.


We've already had hands-on with Path of Exile. It's dark. It's good. And it'll be free . Today, we reveal a new class: the Witch. Sorcery-filled interview and video within.


PC Gamer: What sort of dungeon-crawling person does the Witch suit? 


Chris Wilson, Producer at Grinding Gear Games: The Witch's typical playstyle is "blasty." She's generally a glass-cannon class who deals a lot of damage but is very vulnerable. Some players love the combined fun and risk of herding groups of monsters together and trying to kill them in bulk with area-of-effect spells. A lot of fans on our forum have been begging us to announce the spellcaster class. Hopefully they're pleased with the style of gameplay that the Witch offers.


PCG: How does the Witch's backstory fit into the game world? How does a magic user in Path of Exile differ from a magic user in, say, World of Warcraft? 


Wilson: Path of Exile has a dark aesthetic. The continent of Wraeclast is a very hostile environment, where the player fears not only the monsters, but also other players and even the environment itself.


The Witch, like all our character classes, was exiled from her homeland because of her crimes. Her society does not tolerate any magic use whatsoever, so her fate was sealed when she murdered those who threatened her for being different POE buy currency . The backstories of all the classes (including the Witch) highlight the stark unfairness that afflicts many characters in our world. She's not implicitly evil, but committed a violent crime due to her inability to control her powers. Being exiled to Wraeclast is intended to be substantially worse than a quick execution.

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