Experience both daylight and darkness

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May 21, 2024 United States 10


Per research published in 2022, light exposure could influenceTrusted Source your body’s internal clock, which regulates sleep and wakefulness. It may also help dictate the duration, timing, and quality of your sleep.


Research suggests that every additional hour spent outside may lead to sleep onset happening 30 minutesTrusted Source earlier.


Daylight exposure may also increase evening fatigue, as well as sleep duration and quality.


That said, timing is important, as too much evening light exposure may prevent you from falling asleep and hinder melatonin productionTrusted Source.


Melatonin is an essential hormone for sleep that’s produced in darkness.


Finding a balance between light and darkness is therefore important. This could be done by exposing your body to daylight throughout the day and using blackout curtains at night.

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