They formed a worldwide computer network, and a new giant was born - Colossus Computer. The

922.00 Dollar US$
April 12, 2024 United States, Florida, Aripeka 9


They formed a worldwide computer network, and a new giant was born - Colossus Computer. The Colossus Computer and the great network that he formed became like the spinach of a sailor Popeya for the Colossus of Man. If individual human brains are nerves and muscle fibers, the Internet has given the giant its first full-fledged nervous system. Each of its nodes was connected to all other nodes, and information could pass through the system at the speed of light. This made the Colossus of Man a faster and more flexible thinker. The Internet allowed billions of people to instantly, freely and easily access the entire tower of knowledge of humanity (which by now has already crossed the Moon). This made the Colossus of Man more intelligent and quick learner. And if individual computers served as an expansion of the brain for individuals, companies or governments, Colossus Computer was an expansion of the brain for the entire Colossus of Man. With his first real nervous system, an improved brain and a new powerful tool, Koloss Human has brought invention to a whole new level - and noticing how useful his new computer friend is, he has concentrated a lot of effort on improving computer technologies.

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